"Don't be a juicebag"

Geek Sheets

What’s the big news in the geek world? Check out GGR’s “Geek Sheets” to see the buzz.

Super Geek Sheets - January 2019

by Steve “If You Have To Ask Big Man, You Can’t Afford It” Monnich

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Geek Sheets. Well and really, welcome to this year’s first edition of the Geek Sheets! Let’s kick this year off right by getting into the nerdy topics that have 2019 primed and ready to be epic. This year has only been here for a hot minute, and already there is so many exciting things to discuss, theorize upon, watch, listen to and debate.  Whether its Marvel or DC, Star Wars or Star Trek, Rock or Rap, Netflix or Hulu, we as a geek community have a treasure trove of interesting event popping up throughout the next twelve months. For those of you new to the Geek Sheets, it’s a dual threat piece from the folks here at GGR. To start, you have the written article that highlights some of the newest stories in our pop culture driven world, then later in the week those same topics get the deep dive treatment on our podcast.  So many ways to enjoy the content, let’s stop wasting time and get to it!

*Editorial Note - There is no difference between this Geek Sheets and any other, it’s called “Super” because Mike added some stories, too. Much like when a video game came out on the Super Nintendo that initially was on the original NES, it got a sweet “Super” added to it’s title. Enjoy!

Aquaman Hits $1,000,000,000.00 Worldwide


Boy that’s…that’s a lot of zeroes! Ummm…is anyone like, aware of this? Aquaman, the dude that everyone and their mom mocks as “that lame dude who talks to fish” is the highest grossing DCEU movie by a mile. And by a mile, I mean already topping the prior DCEU leader Batman V. Superman, Yawn of Justice by close to $150,000,000.00.  While a little less than a third of that total is domestic, DC has a bona fide hit on their hands, which they have desperately needed. With the likes of Shazam, Wonder Woman 1984 and 73 new Joker movies waiting in the wings, this bodes well for the future of some of the oldest comic book properties out there. No one is quite sure how this universe will progress with various ambiguous release dates and a new lead leaving every other day, but with this financial gem reigniting the world’s interest, signs are using a trident to point their way up.

Spider-Man Far From Home Trailer Drops


Or did it? Was it all some sort of illusion? Anyway, that’s my lame way of talking about how Mysterio is in the new Spider-man movie and it looks, dare I say, amazing? Spectacular? Superior? Other Spider-Man adjective? There have been some early reports about the plot of the film, and the trailer looks to have confirmed a handful of them.  As master of both magnetism and the mystic arts Mike Lunsford is oft to say, we at GGR don’t much care about spoilers, but if you do, here is your notice. Reports early on touted that Spidey would be teaming up along side Mysterio, who has been recruited as a SHIELD operative. Spider-Man and ol’ fishbowl will be battling against elemental creatures while Peter is on a European excursion with his school friends.  However, let’s all take a second and evaluate Mysterio as a character. He is the kind of dude who can manipulate the people and environment around him using illusions and various devices. It is 100% possible and 98% likely that all this giant monster business is not on the up and up. I speculate that the plot is going to look a good bit like the first Incredibles film, where the villain’s aim is to become notable/wealthy/admired/whatever by defeating a threat that the public does not realize was created by the very person battling it.  More simply put Mysterio = Syndrome. Hey! Their names are even anagrams of each other if you don’t bother spelling them correctly, which thereby proves my theory true!

If you haven’t seen it, here’s the trailer.

Jason Reitman to Direct New Ghostbusters Flick


And jumping to the only point that really matter, no it is not a sequel to the hot pile of slop released a few years ago.  Frankly the rest of this paragraph is now pointless, but if I was in the business of avoiding things that were ultimately pointless I wouldn’t own a copy of Batman V. Superman, Yawn of Justice (I just really thought I was hilarious with that pun, so here it is again). The son of the dude who directed the good Ghostbuster movies is now working on the third film in the franchise which is set to drop in Summer of 2020.  A new little teaser has come out and it will give you all the feels if you are intimately familiar with the original films. Ivan Reitman will be producing the film, capping of the legacy that was started over three decades ago.

And now, for a few more stories, here’s our editor-in-chief, Mike Lunsford!

Fox Cancels All Marvel Related Super Hero Movies


This particular bit of news comes from the “Not Unexpected” Files: The Gambit, Doctor Doom, and X-Force movies, as produced under Fox have all been cancelled. Noted professor of comic book anatomy realism and co-creator of Deadpool, Rob Liefeld tweeted “Pour one out for ol’ X-Force. Victim of the merger. 800 mil grosser, easy.”

Now that Disney owns this particular portion of the Fox films empire, there most certainly are plans to release more films with their new collection of mutants, X-Men, and other supers they couldn’t touch before. I just picture Disney as a kid who just got a giant box of action figures from their older cousin who is now overwhelmed with who to play with next. As Steve “The Thunder from Down Under” Monnich can you tell you, with all the Marvel kids in the same sandbox now, there’s nothing but good things than can come from here.

Warner Bros/DC Will Begin “The Batman” in Nov 2019

The folks over at Warner Bros have announced that the new Batman movie will begin filming in November of this year. The studio has announced they want to go in a different direction with the franchise, looking for some new blood in the Batcave. British actor Jack O’Connell is the favorite to land roll of Bruce Wayne/Batman. Knowing Warner Bros. they may be using flawed logic like “Christian Bale was British and people loved those movies, let’s get another British guy to be Batman!” I’ve never heard of Jack O’Connell personally, but who cares? It can’t be worse than George Clooney.

One of villains rumored to be in film is Penguin with Josh Gad, the voice of Olaf from Frozen, gunning for the Penguin role. No word as to whether Batman will “want to build a snowman” with Penguin.

Another TMNT Reboot????


Michael Bay and his company are looking to reboot the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film franchise again because apparently, Michael Bay has never met a property he couldn’t ruin. The newest reboot, which would bring the TMNT franchise to approximately 27 reboots, brings on the producers of “The Quiet Place.” Pictured above are the heroes in a half shell from the most recent version of the Injustice video game franchise as a download pack. If Michael Bay wanted to appeal to the hardcore TMNT fans, he would take a page from the developers who made these wonderful looking digital martial artist reptiles. But what do I know? I’m just a kid who dressed as Donatello when he was 8 for Halloween.

Whew! I am tired after all this amazing goodness that 2019 has started us with, and we aren’t even thru January.  With new Dream Theater, new Marvel, new Star Wars, new video games, just so so much to get into with us here at GGR.  If you prefer to waste your time listening to things instead of wasting your time reading thing like you just did with this article, we have an entire series of podcasts under the GGR Pirate Radio network.  There is sure to be something there that will fit right in with what you are looking for. Thanks for starting your year off with us, until next time for Mike and the rest of the GGR crew, I’m Steve Monnich and don’t be a juicebag!