"Don't be a juicebag"

Geek Sheets

What’s the big news in the geek world? Check out GGR’s “Geek Sheets” to see the buzz.

Geek Sheets - Fourth Week of September


by "Stone Cold" Steve Monnich, Executive Vice President of Overseas Operations and Chief Baby-rocker-to-sleep

Welcome one and all to this week’s edition of the Geek Sheets! And also welcome to Fall (or Autumn if you are one of THOSE people), where the leaves are changing, all foods are required to include pumpkin, and we hit the point of the year where everything exciting is in speculation for future properties as we are in the dark, inky black hole of despair known as the gap between the summer and holiday seasons. I mean seriously, what is out right now that is exciting in a Geek sense? Marvel Netflix stuff is either over or hasn’t debuted yet, comic book movies aren’t hitting until Christmas, Game of Thrones content is still a year away (and don’t get me started on Winds of Winter!!) and everyone who is going to play Spiderman on PS4 already has beaten it 16 times.  It’s really a time to hunker down, hop onto YouTube and inundate yourself with fan theories, trailers and rampant speculation on how Captain Marvel is some sort of Skrull Queen- Kree – Badoon hybrid.  If you are looking for that kind of thing, but want it just for your ears and not your eyes, why not subscribe to GGR Pirate Radio, our very own big-boy podcast that covers all sorts of non-sense like that! Now onto the topics de-jour!



Captain Marvel trailer drops to huge fanfare

Leading the next installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe by 6 months, the Captain Marvel trailer is finally upon us, and the fan base is out in droves watching the trailer over and over and over again.  Space! Old-woman face punches! Blockbuster Video!! There is nothing this trailer doesn’t have (fun fact, Supreme Leader and resident Resident Evil expert Mike “The Rock” Lunsford used to work at Blockbuster).  This film is set to debut in early March of 2019, near to the time frame that we saw Black Panther explode from a box office perspective.  With a time of year that typically does not see the sort of spectacle film Captain Marvel is destined to be coupled with a new and exciting character and the clear fan enthusiasm, it’s a safe bet Marvel will be kicking off the New Year with yet another fat stack of cash.



Disney Plans a Slowed Down Release Schedule for Future Star Wars Projects

Moving from Disney owned films that were/will be box office legends to Disney owned films are that box office…(makes several, aggressive vomiting noises).  In a recent interview, Bob Iger, Disney’s CEO, he stated that in regards to upcoming Star Wars material, there will be a “slowdown” coming.  He further clarified that Episode IX and the Weiss/Benioff trilogy are still slated for the schedule they are currently on, however anything other than that is a big, fat TBD.  Some things that were flying around film wise included a speculated Boba Fett movie, an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie and a trilogy of unknown story helmed by Rian Johnson, all of which are now in development cryo-freeze. Many Star Wars fans are giving this statement a soft, golf clap of approval as the general consensus seems to feel less content of higher quality would be preferable to turbo firing out anything with a Star Wars logo on it just to keep to a self-imposed once per year Star Wars film schedule.  Time will tell what and when we see new films in a galaxy far, far away.



Marvel Film Stars Slated to Star in Streaming Service TV series’

With the ongoing success of the various Marvel related series on Netflix, Disney decided to stop letting Netflix get all that sweet, sweet streaming income off of their IP.  Disney will be unveiling a new, standalone streaming platform next year and as a way to entice people to sign up, they will be creating new MCU-linked television shows.  Two that were announced recently include Scarlett Witch and Loki, and before you ask, yes Elizabeth Olsen and Tom Hiddleston are expected to resume their roles on the small screen.  The flood gates have now been opened as to what new content could be created for the Mouseflix (name still pending), especially due to Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox (or more importantly the characters that 20th Century Fox owned the rights to).  Putting in my vote now for a Midnight Sons or Age of Apocalypes series, just because I like scary stuff sometimes!


Ya know what, this whole Fall dearth of new media isn’t so bad after all.  To use a sports analogy, you can’t play the big game every single day, sometimes you just have to go to practice and get yourself ready for when the action counts.  So let’s all take a break from digging out our warmer clothes, raise a glass of Pumpkin Spice Latte and cheer on the Fall season! Thank you Fall, for forcing us to get better at being creative, because Lord knows that nothing you can see in the theater right now is trying more than the fans are at this very moment.  Until next time, I’m Steve Monnich and don’t be a juicebag.